Investing in a pair of Goodyear welted shoes is a decision not to be taken slightly as there are several aspects to consider including the shoe style, colour, sole type, fitting and size. While some shoe designs are seen as being occasional styles worn for events the men’s Oxford toe cap is one of the safest bets you can make on your feet.
After the men’s Oxford shoe the Derby is one of the most popular styles across the Barker range including the BarkerTech, Country and Creative collections. Whether they are referred to as a Derby, Gibson or Blucher shoe, this style is characterised by an open lacing system and fits a large variety of foot shapes.
When it comes to investing in a pair of handmade shoes there’s several English shoemakers who continue to honour traditional shoemaking techniques in Northampton, England. One shoemaker in particular is Barker who celebrated their 140th anniversary having been founded by Arthur Barker in the Northamptonshire village of Earls Barton in 1880.